For Bullet Journal Users

If you have used any Bullet Journal before this should be very straightforward to you.

You can find some instructions in the first page of every view throughout the template but in order to keep the template nice and easy I only left minimum information.

For Bullet Journal Beginners

If this is your first Bullet Journal - don’t worry and welcome to this new method!

In addition to the instructions above, below are some quick tips to get started with Bullet Journal:

What is Bullet Journal:

Bullet journaling is a method of organizing your thoughts that was created by Ryder Carroll. Some people assume that a bullet journal is a place to doodle in random ways that don't seem to make much sense. However, Carroll insists that there is a distinct methodology that he's developed over the last several years.

The tradition bullet journal is comprised of five main elements below:

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You can also find bunch of YouTube videos and readings online introducing bullet journal. Below are some of the articles I quoted from: